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Jacqueline Fernandez as the head of a group of ethical hackers is a breath of fresh air – her effortless charm complements the anxious Fateh. However, as expected, this courage doesn’t achieve much as she often teeters close to becoming a damsel in distress.
The one-dimensional characters make little effort to distract you. It’s easy to overlook the lack of logic when the movie distracts you from everything else going on. For a while, the over-the-top action (the action choreographers have clearly pushed themselves to their limits) manages to do so, but that veneer quickly fades.
John Wick is known for satisfying redemption arcs and spontaneous action shots, The Kill manages to touch on class differences and morality, and Oldboy explores the effects of human loneliness. All of these films, despite being action-packed, manage to find some depth. Fateh does not succeed in doing this. An attempt is being made to send a ‘message’ about technology being a powerful, destructive tool in the wrong hands, but the lack of innovation still stings.