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On 22 February, under the leadership of Markad, the village panchayat, who is also the head of the Kanifnath Temple Trust, called the Center’s Major Housing Scheme – Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana for a gram sabha with an agenda to discuss the scheme. However, in the same gatheringA resolution was later claimed that he was passed about the Kanifnath Yatra.
The 700 -year -old festival which begins on Holi every year and ends on the Maharashtrian New Year Gudi Padwa, in the village in the Kanifnath temple.
The proposal was underlined by Markad and another gram panchayat member Anil Lavande.
Collector Siddararam Salimath also reached Quint to verify the claims. “I have been transferred as the Chinese Commissioner of Maharashtra and the new situation has been resumed. Gram Sabha Sankalp has been declared zero by BDO,” said Salimath.
If there is more clarity on any of these claims, the story will be updated.
However, after the resolution was passed, the members of the Muslim community and local social activists approached the Pathardi TalukaBlock Development Office (BDO) Shivaji blanket.
Working on a letter written by a social group led by Shamali Jaffer Pathan, BDO Combal again started an investigation, which eventually invalid the resolution.
In the order issued by the BDO’s office on 27 February, the proposal was invalidated due to several criteria under the Bombay Village Panchayat (Meetings) Rules, 1959.
With many other thechinical rajon behind the striking under the resolution, two should be noted:
The resolution to be passed in a gram sabha requires the signature of 100 members of the same Gram Sabha. Although there were 116 signatures, only 98 Peropal was found as legitimate attendees of this Gram Sabha.
The signature was taken on an informal letter chief instead of the official Gram Sabha Record Book, as determined by the rules, and taken in a meeting, which was held for the state mantra.
Many are present gathering Who requested oblivion that the two -hour session was actually held on the Center’s Housing Scheme, while he was not aware of any other resolution and that the signature was taken only as a regular attendance for the meeting on the housing scheme.
However, Sarpanch Markad is surprised.