Punjab’s Treadanniked police said that on Monday, they arrested Shnhnaz Singh, who also known an international drug-borne drug shade, which wanted to investigate the Federal Bureau (FBI).
Garbi General Manager Gauraw Jadaw stated that Seanny Bjind, a native of the village of Mandala in Batala, lived in Bramad, in the United States, 2025. On February 26.
The FBI has arrested its companionship in the United States and captured 391 kg methamphetamine, 109 kg of cocaine, four complex weapons and vehicles after their possession. Valladares Alias Franco and Gurlal Singh.
Yadaw said after the FBI failure that Bjind managed to slip and landed secretly in India, adding that they were punishing and arrested him. LyudianaA number
The police officer said that Bjind was wanted for the case of weapons registered on December 2024, 2024, for which Tarni Taran police arrested a significant cache of weapons and ammunition.
Deputy Police General Inspector Sharma (Belzel), the Senior Police (SSP), which is accompanied by Senior Police (SSP) Vantan Abhimimini Rana, reports that large drug cargo has been played at international borders.
Starman said that during the interrogation was found during the interrogation that in Canada has been operating under the guise of legitimate transport business in Canada since 2014. drugs From Colombia to US and Canada Mexico. The investigation also revealed that along with his accomplices, Bhinder transported Colombia about 600 kg of cocaine from Colombia every week.
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Rana said Bhinder’s network is supposed to have connections Sale of ten drugsincluding Amritpal Singh Alias Baath and Gurjant Singh Bholu Havelia. Further investigation is underway, he added.
Over the past four months, Taran Taran’s police have registered 125 cases of drug and psychotropic substances (NDPs), 145 people have been arrested and 34 kg of heroin, 4 kg of opium and 2,29 lari. During this period, the 29th of the NCTR’s case is declared criminals.
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