New Delhi.
Bollywood’s “Chaava” film “Chaava” recent statements, including Maharashtra’s Chief Minister Devartra Fadnavis, at least focuses on attention, in 1707 more than 300 years after her death.
“CAUA” The legend of Sambal, the son of Sami, the son of Samlya, the son of Ajangenesh, the son of Avangenesh, who took the “Avangenesh” captured by the son of Avangenesh, the son of Avangenesh. In the same year, Samaji of Deaf Samaj was sentenced to death on orders of Mughal emperors.
Whether historians discuss whether Aurangzeb is a religious fanatic or simply used religion, as a tool to improve his power, Maharashras has traditionally seen his frequent conflicts against the dean. The feelings were climbed after the movement of the film. Samajwadi Party MLA ABU AZMI, with his comments, fanes that Aurangzeb was not severe fluent, “and that he also built Hindu Temples.
Speaking outside of the Maharashtra meeting this month, Abu said.
“I don’t consider Avatnget to be brutally. In that era, the government’s struggle was political, not religious. Avangseb’s army had many Hindus, “he added.
Mr. The jam has been suspended from the Maharashtra meeting for the rest of the ongoing budget session and has had to withdraw its remarks.
“What I have said about” Avanzb “is something that historians and writers have stated.
On Tuesday, he paid tribute to the maharaji of Sambaturi, the Sambaturi of His Death and called him a “brave fighter.”
Damage control has proved that it has come late, but Mahanastra’s Minister of Parliamentary Affairs Patil says that Mr. Jasmi’s statement was damaged by the leaders of the house and even some opposition leaders (Uddav Balasehi Haking). At least one case has been filed against him.
Maharashtra’s Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis is a leader in BJP, which was often spoken out against Avangseb and the ancient treatment under his possession. His indignation was also spread by the Chief Minister Exat Shinde, who heads Shi Sena.
The row of the grave
BJP’s Satara MP MP Udarara Bose did recently removal from Ajangabad, who was recently changed in Kanabad, changed from Ajangabad (after the escal) in 2022.
“What do you need? Send a JCB machine and wash his grave … he was a thief and a lottery (robber) …
Mr. Fadnavis asked Mr. Fadnavis on Saturday, and he was in favor of the removal of the grave, but he said that the law should be carried out in the conditions of the Congress’s leadership (ASI).
“We all want the same, but you have to do it within the law, as it is a protected place.
Enduring the sentiment.
Among some parts of the society, the opposition returns at least an activist and social reformer Jotiba FLUL, FREEDOM.
The founder of Sena Cherry Bali Taker often spoke against “Avangseb” and his influence on Hindus, and his son and former Chief Minister Udavavy Takhaus continued. Even after Akhylesh Jadaw supported Abu Jazzer, Uddav Takser, who is an ally of the Head of the Samajvad party of the Indian party, supported the leader’s suspension and said that Maharashra had an objection to him.
Responsions made in 2021. “ALAAAD” (Progeny) “” Some people showed the former king’s photos and used them as online status messages.
“Avangzeb” again in Discount before the Maharashtra Assembly’s elections last year, when BJP accused of his former ally Uddhavi, not removing Chhatrapati’s legacy “Login” Aurangze (Palanquin). The Chief Minister Amit Shah described the leader of “Aurangze Fans” Leader Mr. Ticket.
Speaking in Sambajinagar, the Prime Minister Modi said that the Congress and its allies abuse the Ver’s Saul and remain about the mother of the cherries. As a result of the attack on the opposition, he asked people to vote for those who followed the spreaders of Sambaj or Avanangenseb.