On Monday, the opposition parties in the financial year’s budget have left the state government, claiming that it is still focused on the next year’s State Assembly elections.
In her Budget The Minister of Finance Ajanta Neog has announced the expansion of financial assistance schemes of the current public administration, such as Orodou, which mainly targets women as its main beneficiaries. Nijut Moina, which is for girls for students a higher secondary secondary level. And Abhijian, who seeks to seeking entrepreneurs. As well as new financial support programs.
Financial support programs in one year have 2,500 rubles in one year, who are graduating from state universities in Asamized, 25,000 AMD for research scientists, and 50,000 AMD payments.
The party’s opposition parties are accused Bitchb The farming of the beneficiaries of these schemes in the 2026 elections. Aiudf MLA Rafiqul Islam also mentioned that Nige stated that some of these schemes will be operating since October this year.
“Women, young people, BA go to students. They have chosen a group of beneficiaries. There is no discussion on education … For the development of general education, they have nothing like that. After all, they only create beneficiaries … It seems that they are completely in Electoral Mode. And if you see most of the declared schemes must be launched from October. The budget is accepted in March. Why don’t they (schemes) start earlier? They will start in October, so that two or three months will come to the elections, and they will be fresh so that they can gather the votes of those beneficiaries, “he said.
Sivasagar Mla Akhil Gogoi – also the President of the Regional Outfit Rian Dol – said. “There is nothing in this budget. The only idea for the choice of 2026 gatherings (and) who can take voices (and) who can give money. In addition to the beneficiary schemes, in addition to separate beneficiary schemes, this budget has nothing. “
Opposition leader Debrata Saikia said. “If they give money in this way, how will the tax to collect the tax? Or did the Chief Minister decide that in some way or another, he must face loans and debts? What is their plan for the state to be able to return it? We haven’t seen it in the budget. In the first budget, he said that we should give people the opportunity not only to eat fish, but to catch it. But now, by constantly giving dimensions, they only teach fish. “
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Ashom Jatoya Parishad, a regional outfit, which does not have any representation in the congregation, is supposed that the budget is “political reasons” and “does not contain any significant development provision.”