On Thursday, the Ministry of Education (IIM) asked Rohtak or suspended the director of the institute Dharaj Sharma or to quit the end of the probe. Primatization of fundsby sources.
The director was also asked to stay away from IIM Campus / Leased Area IIM ROHTAK until further orders.
The accusations against Sharma include mistakenly and use such profitable numbers (more than 1 coriz) to Iim Rohtak’s director.
President Kupad Murmu was given a survey of this month during Sharma during Sharma during Sharma’s presumption of state funds during Sharma’s tenure in Musa.
The investigation will include inspection of the educational qualification certificates of Sharma and other staff collected in IIM.
Against Sharma, the probe began after the survey conducted by the General Director of the Ministry of Education, which has found serious violations and the embezzlement of overload in IM Rohtakan.
The Ministry also noted that the Sharma Certificate has been repeatedly searched by the Ministry of Thrones from 2017 to 2022 during its first term, but until its end to its tenure was sent by IIM Rohtak.
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The center also asked the advice to submit the accusation of another faculty to the Faculty of Financial Affairs.
“In this regard, an official letter was sent to the Chairman of the Council Iim Rohtak’s Jai Jai Dev Shroff. The ministry also asked the IIM Council to cancel Neerjan Kanyan, as a member of the IM Shochak Council, as mentioned for the 63rd session, which was offered on March 17.
“The investigation will run the professor Hands Tiwari:Director of IIM MumbaiHow about questioning? He was asked to fill the probe within three months, “the sources added.
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