The Assistant of the sub-finals in the Bihahari Munger district died during the attack when he tried to mediate between two families on Friday evening.
He is the second ASI to be killed this week on a duty on duty on Bihar.
Four people were arrested in connection with the incident, and one morning was shot and wounded on Saturdays, trying to avoid arrests.
“Santosh Singh, who was located in the” Mufasil “section, called on the riots in Nandlalpur, by Ranbir Yadav’s family, and went to the place where he allegedly attacked Jadaw.
The father, who was supposedly drunk, supposedly attacked Asi with a sharp object, on which he was severely injured on his head, LLC said.
Asi Singh rushed to a local hospital and later referred to Patna’s PARAMSI Hospital for advanced treatment. He reached his injuries early in the morning.
After the incident, four people were arrested, including Ranbir Yadaw and a woman, police reported.
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According to the police, one of the detainees, known as Guddu Yadaw, was shot dead, trying to escape from arrest.
They claim that the police vehicle, during which he moved, was involved in the accident to avoid the roadside animals. In the next chaos, Guddu Yadaw allegedly captivated the gun from the police officer and aimed at the House Spa (SHO) Chandan Kumar. When Guddu refused to lower the weapon, despite the warnings, the shoe was shot in self-defense, Guddu was wounded in his leg, the police reported.
“He was hospitalized with other officers who were injured in the accident,” said LLC.
Police say the body of Asi Santosh Singh is moved to the last rites. Further investigations are underway.
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Singhi’s death comes just two days later, by which another said was killed in the bihayr.
After attacking the wedding function in the Wedding District on Thursday, Raja Raja, Ashadi, died.