Make America Great Again (Maga) and Hindutva have spectacularly successful political ideologies in two continents, which are separated by at least two great oceans of the two largest democracy on our planet.
us President Donald Trump Used Mugs for an election victory, which is probably unique in the US since 1789. He won the second term after a huge loss in the teeth of criminal convicts and legal challenges after a major loss in the previous round, which would have dropped any extraordinary politician. Worldwide, Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Rashtravia Swamsevak Union (RSS) chief Mohan bhagwat Jawaharlal Nehru (the first Prime Minister of India) has erased Hindutva to reward three gradual parliamentary conquests in six decades since Jawaharlal Nehru (the first Prime Minister of India).
Maga and Hindutva are deeply orthodox ideologies with fundamental equality. The fiery ethnic-religious nationalism is congenital for two border on-jingoism. Magas consider white geo Christians, except American values, side-stepping minorities and non-availability immigrants. Hindutva proudly declares Hindu supremacy-imagining India as a Hindu-centric nation and ‘other’ minorities consider minorities inferior and unwanted.
Both returned to a magnificent past. While Hindutva has called for the sanctity of ancient civilization of many centuries, which was violated by Muslim and British invaders before independence a thousand years ago, Maga is of recent vintage. It speaks of the US dominance after World War II, which is violated by spinless Washington allites and globalisters.
Both shares a hatred of secular liberals, which carry out abuses such as sick and liberal bastards.
Fearmonging is in the heart of their political raise – while the Maga shouts about the high -lieuch immigrants who “eating your dogs and cats”, Hindutva accused Muslims of implicating the property of inciting innocent Hindu girls in marriage and changed democracy, called it “Love Zahad”. Both use symbols to decorate their appeal – Maga uses the American flag, uses the saffron color of Brahminical Hinduism to create Hindutva dedicated followers.
Of course, there are some differences between Maga and Hindutva. While the overriding purpose of Hindutva is to build a Hindu nation (state), all citizens are to define as “cultural Hindus” despite their religion, the purpose of Maga is somewhat less wider and more contemporary. It is not disturbed about cultural symmetry because with re -formation of America’s economic dominance and expelting unwanted immigrants. However, similarities dwarf these marginal differences.
But there is another one, as still excellent, somewhat subtrenian equality – both are feeling heat from “political francusstein”.
Is or who is a political francustein?
A strong political leader and/or movement is started. It is polarized, disruptive, almost always powerful. Aggressive evezelisters expect the bandwagan, but begins to be more pronounced than the original leaders (ship). Earlier, Ultra-Radical has taken control and the creators have become “political francusstein”.
While this phenomenon is likely to be ancient as mankind, it found a historic currency in the movement for Irish freedom in the 1800s when Daniel O’conline’s liberal movement was incited by a radical youth Ireland faction, which was leading to O’Conel’s arrest and irrelevance.
Remandable, even the last leader of the Soviet Union, Mikhail Gorbachev’s Glasanost and Paresterroika cited enthusiasm, cited as an example of ascending political francusteen. Therefore, although his pro -democracy policies were positive, they were very fast and disruptive to cross a communist state.
Are Maga and Hindutva facing the audience of political frankstein?
Young (31-year-old) and restative Laura Lumor Florida were two-time-priest Republican Congress candidate when he took Trump’s third election campaign in 2024. He achieved widespread slander to fulfill hatred and conspiracies.
A self -sufficient “proud Islamophob”, he propagated the wild theory that 9/11 was orchestrated by “interiors”. Perhaps he won Trump’s heart with his enthusiastic tweet – “White House will smell curry” – to condemn Kamala Harris. Trump was early to recruit her as a fellow pracharak, call her “independent soul” and someone “you want in your side”. In a sense, she became Steve Bann Mark II for the 2024 campaign.
Imagine Donald’s bottleneck when both Lumor and Bannon replaced for M/S Musk and Trump Supporting H1B VisaMost Indians. M/s Loomer and Bannon saw it as a cardinal deputation of their America-first/anti-immigrant platform. They can only do Sh@#. “Our country was actually created by white Europeans. Lumor cried not to the invaders of the third world from India. “Under this program, the workers here should be deported … now deport them and appoint American citizens with the same skill set,” Bainon said.
First, M/S Musk and Trump tried to reduce this rebellion. But quickly, he realized that M/s was receiving traction with loamers and loyalists of Bainon Maga, so he filed a lawsuit for peace. But there are no moods for M/S Lumor and Bannan Agreement. They are sniffing a major victory, even unimaginable, ie the control of Maga from Trump. Probably, Trump now sees him as “near political francustein”, who needs to be humble; This weak-knotting response is so inaccessible to Donald J Trump!
Across the two ponds, Lumor and Bainon Yati Yati Narasimhanand Saraswati (Chief Priest, Dasana Devi Temple in Ghaziabad) and T Raja Singh Lodh (Telangana MLA of the Bharatiya Janata Party) can rely on. “Madras and Aligarh Muslim University should be blown up,” Narsinganand thurf (he was arrested for this comment). “If they take a Hindu girl, we will take their 10,” threatened Raja Singh.
While these two devotees and hundreds of others have said worse things, it has clearly made the RSS chief clearly cognitive about their ability to hijack Hindutva in a dangerous militant field, effectively became “political francasstein”.
Therefore, Sarsenghchalak Bhagwat has tried to constantly mute, even Outtlo, some of these rubber communal eagles. “If we do not accept Muslims, it is not Hindutva … After the construction of the Ram temple, some people think that they can become the leader of Hindus by underlining similar issues in new places. It’s not acceptable … see why shivling Everyone MosqueEvery day a new controversy is brought. How can it be allowed? This cannot be released … India needs to show that we can live together. ,
It is clear that both Maga and Hindutva, based on the glory of their political victory, are equally concerned about how weak they are towards political francusstein, who are kidnapping their movements, affecting unimaginable, uncontrolled amounts of toxicity, eventually ending into incompatible destruction.