How did we find out the truth?: We searched a reverse image using Google lens, which inspired us to stock the image website Almi,
Here, it was shared as a picture of the Haj pilgrimage, which was done by Muslims by including a trip to Mecca in Saudi Arabia.
It also took us to a photo story Which said that it shows how Haj was performed, it is shown that National geographic magazine In July 1953.
Taking a cue from this, we started searching for the stored version of the magazine on an internet collection website, webac machine.
We found July 1953 Version of National geographic magazineWhose feature story was titled, “Airborn Pilgrimage on Mecca from America”, and an Abdul Gafur Sheikh was documented.
It was printed on page 38 of the magazine, describing the image shared on the previous page.
The title of the details was, “Pebble fly. The Pillar is stoned on Meena,” which is a city close to Mecca.
The lesson reported what was happening in the image, saying “According to Moslem Legend (SIC),” According to Ishmael, son of Ibrahim, “three times,” while both faced the devil, while both were on their way to alive Ishmael according to God’s instructions.
It said that the father-son pair teased stones on the devil to save him, who also practice pilgrims, to tell that they are rejecting Satan while living on the path of Mecca during Haj.
Ritual: To better understand the practice, The Quint Khan Bahadur Khan of Haryana reached the Imam Waris Raza of the Mosque, who gave us more references.