The epic road is divided into two main sections: the stretching of the Delhi-Vadadar (845 km) and the stretching of water-mutage (450 km).
Delhi-Momba Fastest Road, a project that promises to convert India infrastructure, faces further delays. The duration of 140 km between Surata and the border of Gujarat Maharashtra requires additional acceleration due to the delay in construction work, according to News18.
In the last 25 -kilometer section, consisting of five packages between Surat and Water, more than 50% of the work is over. Only one of the five parts of the high -speed road packages coming from Surat to the state border are significantly delayed. Two of these packages have a progress rate below 10 percent, while one of the 25 kilometer packages are still unfinished less than 30 percent. For thirty kilometers, the construction teams finished about half the work.
Madhaya -Pradesh -Autastard, which is approximately 250 km, is completed and works. While the area under the spur is almost finished and may be completed this year, Hariana’s main section is also fully functional. Several minor sections are still being built, in particular, improvement of tunnels in Rajastan. Government officials said News18 that it would take an additional ten -month -month for Rajastan. According to the officials, some parts of the Maharashtra free will not be completed by the end of 2026.
53 packages and spurs are being developed for the 1386-kilometer project, some of which are already working. As of July 2024, 26 packages were completed, which is 82% of the progress of physical work, the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways reports. The operating segments of the high-speed highway in the Deli-Atheta currently make up 619 kilometers, covering the border areas of Deli-Daus-Savai, the border areas of Jhalawar-Ratlam-MP/Gujarat, and the stretching of the water-bharuk. The ministry is projected in October 2025 as a new completion date, which has already completed 1136 km.
Delhi-Wadadar (845 km) and Water-Mathabai (450 km)-two main parts of the freeway. While Mumbai’s stretching for water was initially completed by October 2025, this month was supposed to end the Water in Mumbai. The 90-kilometer segment of the DND-Sohna and the Jewish segment was expected to be completed by July 2025.
NH-48 now serves as a route for road connections between Delhi and Mumbai; These routes cover 1440 km and interfere with high traffic. The cost of more than one Rupee Rs, the new high -speed road will bind large cities in Gujarat, Maharashtra, Rajastan, Madzha -Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Harian and Delhi. This will reduce the overall distance from travel to the javacharlal Nera port to Nava Mumbai by about 180 kilometers and reduced the trip time.
Half ended with the Deli-Moboy Fambst, the longest in India, crossing the length of all other motorways in the country before it ended, according to the history of July 2024 News18.