Trees, buildings and parked cars leading to the ground to stop in Sivaj Park, which are more than 28 acres and the largest public open space of the city. Towards poor legends, such as Sachin Tendulkar and have been the epicenter of some of the most important political events, Dadar soil is in the spotlight for dust pollution.
Loose and non-fueled red soil and delicate particles, which are later than the top of the street of Shivaj Park, are displaced by winds, which leads to dust pollution in the area. Maharashtra Pollution Control Board (MPCB) and Brihanmumbai Comminical Corporation (BMC) roar for effective solutions but useless.
After the BMC-MPCB instructions now, it is set to be green with a grass plant that seeks to connect red soil. The project is estimated at 80 rubles.
The statement came from Rajesh Tamhan, the Deputy Commission (Environment) Indian Express“-” The program will be implemented at the smoke level. We will soon confirm 80 GEL Foundation, following which job will start. “
Pictured land
What is present today, as Shivaji Park first created a part of the great open space, which shouted as part of the Mahimim Forest project, “Bombay. Cities “book.
The development of the area along the heels came to the establishment of Bombay Improvement for the expansion of the suburbs to demolish the city of the island. The park opened the public in 1925 and transformed Shivaj Park in 1927.
According to historian Deepak Rao, in 1936 and 1937, the land plots of Sivaj Park were leased. The land became the main political node that followed during the years. “Since the independence movement, Sivaj Park was in the center of several political gatherings, including Samiuka Masthtra movement in 1955-1960. In 1966 Shiv Sena He held his first Dussehra rally in Shivaji Park, “said Deep Rao.
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When the meetings did not serve the ground, it hosted their sports. It was here that crickets Sachin Tendulkar: And Vinod Came increased their skills. Now in its 100th year, Shivaji Park continues to be popular among sports lovers.
The origin of the crisis
In the earliest years, Shivaji Park contained sandy soil, which was heavier, the wind was not blowing like the current red soil. Over the years, the grass has dried up, but the problem was turned in 2021, when the BMC launched an ambitious beautification program, which sought to rotate the area and transform the area. To facilitate the work, the BMC has reduced red soil trucks on the existing layer of the land.
However, the project has never reached the fetus, as local residents think about 400 trucks have fallen to the ground.
“And that’s when our problems worsen,” said Webhav, who grew up in the area. “After the first few months, the layer of the soil started swimming in the air. During the monso, the rain solves the dust, but the problem arises again during the winter, when the grass begins to stay away, adding that the tops of the problem are in summer.
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Shivaji Park Gymkhana Secretary Sanjeev Khanolkar added that the issue over the past has in recent years coincides with open areas.
“Within the remaining open areas, being the largest MumbaiPeople smell here. The dust without grass, the dust, the dust is later climbing when the children run and play, “Khanolkar said.
In the recent foundation, IIT – Bombay also said that permanent walking of feet in the park is the upper layer of the soil in the fine particles that depend on the wind.
According to the environmental Dilip Shenai, the red soil itself is not to blame. “Better, loose particles that make up the top layer of the soil, wind blows, affecting the overall quality of air. This is a problem for any soil, which fluctuates from Black Aluville soil, “said Shenai, adding that a concrete solution is through red soil through grassy soil.
The effect on the area
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Providing the red tone on the trees and front of nearby buildings, Vayphavi said that the dust particles suspended from the land lived on the 20th floor of a nearby.
The dust left several residents of the area, having health problems, record allergies and respiratory problems that grow on the spot, especially among children and elderly.
Donating a protective mask in the vicinity of the park, Doctor of Doctor Souhas, asthma, says that even the air conditioner air is short-lived without protection. In his 80’s, the doctor said: We have been facing this problem for years, despite knowing the dangers of health, the authorities have failed to find a solution. “
Shivaji Park Gymkhana’s Khanolkar, who lives in the area for 67 years, has responded that the problems of the lungs are growing.
Shenai added. The dust building from reconstruction projects makes the situation worse for the residents.
BMC Strategies:
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The BMC Assistant Ajitkumar Ambi reported that Indian Express The proposal was sent to the Department of Environmental Authority of the Civil Body. BMC also implements immediate mitigation measures, including push and water pressure, soil and dust stabilize.
This is the last few months of MPCB and BMC to resolve pollution in the last few years. In 2024, the BMC has developed 9 inches of red soils to excavate 9 inches of red soil. However, the proposal was followed by a burner after a recent report stated that he could not control the problem in the long run.
On January 6, President Sidhesh Kadam checked the spacious ground and directed the civil body to a time plan for 15 days.
Soon, in the fourth place in the topic of the ground, the intermediate report of the IIT-B states that the land requires more specific means, such as grassy to prevent dust stop.
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After the found finds, the MPCB directed the BMC on February 4 by planting grasses of plant origin on the ground and breeding the surface with beads. “We have asked for BMC so that the land is more fertile to grow the grass there. It is the best way to prevent dust movement from the ground, “Kadam said at a news conference. The pollution advice also directed BMC to not allow for land to dig on land and to preserve the contractor.
The three-month deadline was given to the civil body for the proposed measures before the monsoon. However, within a month, BMC will start planting with a competition for the project, which still needs to be bathed.
The BMC senior official said that while MPCB instructed the Department of Civil Environment, the project will be implemented at the smoke level. “We have sent a proposal to distribute 80 GEL to the Environment Department. However, we still have to get confirmations. The project’s instructions will also be held from the Department of Environment, “said a smoke official.
Khanolkar questioned the practicality of the plant planting grass on the ground, which hosts the large influx of sports enthusiasm and huge public gatherings. Unlike the Preyadish Park or even five gardens, the gardens, Shivaji Park is a public land where thousands of people come to play, run and participate in public gatherings. With such high footprints, how can the grass be secured? While the grassy planting can be made in pieces of scalp, it is not really possible to implement the plan in the entire Sivaji Park. “
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Chetan Kambel, a local resident and a non-clever stop, added that the plan to carry out BMC’s growing plant has already failed in the past. They offer experimental measures instead of doing something. “
The BMC plans to start a grass plant after this month after the approval of funds. According to high-ranking officials, landscaping works are planned to take over patches, ensuring that the park is unavailable for the crowd.