Have you ever experienced that you just give and give while you get nothing at the same time ratio? If you are following you aside your own thoughts, emotions, and time to take care of someone else, then this imbalance can signify of the coded connection.
As a rule, the ratio of the cubic meter consists of “taking” and “guardian”.
– The one takes the one who often greatly increases their partner for emotional support, decision-making and ratification. They can show needy or demanding behavior and can be manipulative to meet their needs.
– The guardian is one who usually sacrifices victims to take care of their own partner. They can be responsible for their partner’s happiness and well-being, often putting their partner’s needs at them.
But how do you know you are in a codor relationship?
SIR HN Reliance Foundation Hospital Clinical Psychologist Mehezabi tells Dord to some historical signs of coded relationships.
– Is it an imbalance on how support is provided and received?
– It is difficult to maintain personal independence and set the boundaries.
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– This man is consuming continuously, trying to do the other person’s needs.
– There is fear abandonment or rejection if one’s needs are not met.
– It is an imbalance to make decisions where one person is dominated, and the other remains in a passive position.
Codal relationships can lead to chronic stress, anxiety and depression. (Source: freepik)
How can a penny affect your mental health?
CALL relationships can have the following effects on your mental health.
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Low self esteem. The desperate need for a person can significantly influence their self-development.
Anxiety and depressionCodal relationship can lead to chronic stress, anxiety and depression.
Burn. The person who always priorities is to prioritize the needs of their partner can feel emotional and physical exhaustion.
Loss of identityWhen a person loses his sense of needs and desires, it leads to a decrease in itself.
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Is the only solution to the relationship that there are ways to work through a penny relationship?
Both are viable solutions with their right. “The end of the connection through or through it depends on the willingness of the two partners, which will recognize the code and actively participate in positive changes.” Says Mrs. Dordi.
In some cases, the end of the relationship can be absolutely necessary when both partners do not want to change their behavior and harmful patterns. On the other hand, solving problems in the penny connection and working include:
TherapyInvolvement of individual and couples’ therapy can help identify and address code behavior. Therapists offer to create more healthy relationships and increase communication.
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Definition of boundariesIt is essential to study and maintain Personal limits:A number of two partners must focus on self-service and provide their needs priority.
Promotion of independenceEncouraging each partner to engage in their interests, companies and goals helps to develop individuality and reduce reliance against each other.
EnhancingTransparent and sincere discussions on the needs, desires and emotions of each partner can help balance the balance in the relationship.