On Tuesday, the Colcata police arrested a student of the second year of Jadavpur on the occasion of arson and vandalism, officials reported.
“The student has been arrested for attack on Jadavpur Shikshabandu Samiti. His name is a suptic Chanda, “said the official.
He, a student at the former Jadavpur University, and a member of the Federation of Democratic Students, was arrested again in the university. Mahathan, who was arrested earlier on Tuesday.
The arrests of Suptik Chanda and Sukiadip Mahias have protested by students who claimed to be involved in false cases.
Police believe that Mahiaha’s wall graffiti intended to hate hatred and disrupting public peace. A case against him was registered in Sections 61 (2) (criminal conspiracy) (deeds that endanger sovereignty, unity and integrity) Baratia Naya Sanhita (BNS).
“We will protest. Why is the Minister of Education not arrested? Why does the police investigate when a student was injured in the car’s car?
The misfortune began after the March 1 incident, when Education Minister Bussi’s car was vandalized at Jadavpur University. During the incident, they argued that the student was injured when the Basu’s car hit him. At the same time, the claims said that Jadavpur’s Shikshabandhu Samiti office was vandalized and fired.
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The situation remains tense, students demand a fair investigation and interrogate the impartiality of the police.
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