The BJP leadership in Kerala greeted the highway Tarur for his changed position and stated that his “honesty” in praising the diplomacy of Prime Minister Narendra Modi “commendable”. BJP President Crendran said he always admired the sincerity of Congress.
On Wednesday, a deputy from the Congress of the highway Tarur justified his shift as India, in the Russian issue of the war and stated that he expressed his opinion as a “Bharatyan” and he does not see this politics. Congress leader on Tuesday admitted that he remained an “egg on his face”, opposed to India’s position when the Russian-Ukraine war broke out and stated that because of the adopted policy, the country is now in a position when it could change the situation for lasting peace.
Earlier, Tarur criticized India’s position when Russia attacked Ukraine and called for condemnation of aggression. “I talked on this issue as Bharatayan (Indian). I don’t see this policy,” he told reporters in New Delhi on Wednesday.
It is not considered in the political topic, he said without specifying. Meanwhile, the BJP leadership in Kerala greeted Tarra for his changed position and stated that his “honesty” in the Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s “commensurate” bread.
BJP President Crendran said he always admired the sincerity of Congress. He said that the MP Thiruvananthapuram sees India’s global growth under the Modi Prime Minister, and it is “truly refreshing”.
“Dear @Shashitharoor Ji, I always admired your sincerity. Your honesty, saying,” I oppose this originally, “and now praised Modiplomacy’s success in Russia-ukraine. Surendron has placed in his x handle.
On Tuesday, Tarur said the policy adopted by India after the conflict began that there was a Prime Minister in the country who could hug both the president of Ukraine and the president in Moscow two weeks apart and be accepted in both places.
During the interactive session in the Razin dialogue here, the former foreign minister said: “I still wipe the egg out of my face because I am one person in the parliamentary discussion that actually criticized the position in India in February 2022.”
(Except for headlines, this story did not edit DNA employees and published with PTI)