New Delhi.
He strongly denies that he or his family behaved in any cash proceedings from the burnt offers of several notes.
With a long response, the main response of Deleli’s Higher Court on the alleged recovery of Davendra Kumar Street said that a fire near his official residence in Delhi was late at the last evening of March 14.
“This room is generally used in all and it is possible to keep articles such as unused furniture, bottles, roads, used carpets, old speakers, garden (central public job department) material. The judge wrote.
The management of justice said that he and his wife were in Madha Pradesh that day, and only his daughter and the older mother were home. He said that on March 15 he returned to Delhi during a native flight of Bhopal.
“When the fire began near midnight, the fire service warned my daughter and my private secretary, and whose bells were properly recorded so that they could move to the scene, and they did not see the scene.
“I definitely say no cash in that warehouse or in no member of my family, and has been severely canceled that this cash should be cash.” He certified.
The room, the judge, is completely separated from the residential areas of him and his family.
Justice said that he was told about the exact nature of the incident after returning to Delhi. “I remembered the first phone call of you (from the top of justice) that evening, when you approved me for information about the fire in my place.
“Justice” said that justice asked for PPS (main private secretary) to visit the website, he agreed.
“PPS arrived that night later and when I, my PS (private secretary), as well as PPS checked the brittle room.
Referring to cash photos and videos in the warehouse. On Saturday, the Supreme Court’s website has also been uploaded “Justice.”
“I was completely shocked to see the content of the video when it depicted something I had seen it. During our meeting and the first response to the incident, the case of the fire, “he wrote justice to his response.
“It was a lack of knowledge that the connection related to the alleged revelation of the currency is what my reaction prompted our first interaction on this episode, and when I was conspirated,” he added.
Repeating that neither he or his family did not keep money in the warehouse, justice said that the recall of their money was documented and “always on regular bank channels.” He insisted that no one from his house said he had seen any currency in a burned manner in the room.
“It simply came to our notice then.
The site was restored after the fire crew and the police left the scene that we did not approve of any recovery or seizure of the place, “said the judge of the high court.
“No one has been shown in cash”
“That Takes Me to The Video Clip Which Has Been Shared With Me. Assuming Without Admitting That The Video Was Taken Immediately At The Time To Have The Second Aspect Which I Need To underscore is that none of the Staff Was Shown Any Remnants of Cash or Currency That May Have Been Present On Site, “The Judge Wrote, Adding That Was No ‘Removal’ of Currency.
“The only thing that was clear was debris and what they considered in a ground house. The bang, no currency, burned or otherwise can’t be seen, “he said.
Authority, character
By urging him to be unfounded and unfounded by the Chief Justice of Delhi Higher Court
Turkism “,” Justice “said that it does not matter to the judge’s life than the prestige and character.
“It simply came to our notice then. Equal accusations against me have made a purely new and unconfirmed assumption that he has belonged to and found himself.
This case was frightened by my reputation, which was built for more than a decade as a high court judge, and left me to be protected. I also had to take you into account that in all my years, as a high court judge, there was no such accusation before, neither no doubt had any doubts about my completeness. In fact, I will be grateful if the question of my actions of the judge and what is the perception of a legal brotherhood about my integrity and honesty, “he added.
The Supreme Court makes the panel
The Chief Justice of India made a three-member commission on Saturday on the accusations against “Justice” against behavior. The members of the committee are Punjab and the highest judicial leader of Harmalia, Hammakal Pradesh Gerd’s Chief Justice GS Sandhawalia and Karnataka High Count Judge Nude.
The Chief Justice of Delhi’s Higher Court has asked the general justice to do any lawsuit for justice.