Muscan and Sakhil stabbed the saura to death, cut his body into pieces and sealed them in a drum filled with cement. After committing the crime, the couple went on a trip to the Himachal -Pradesh.
Merut’s police discovered shocking new details in the murder of the Saurobsky Radge, a former fleet officer of the merchant who allegedly killed his wife Muscovites Rostoga and her lover Sakhak. According to the reports, Muscan replaced her husband’s recipe for the purchase of the sleeping pills she used for addiction before the murder. She purchased pills at the USSA medical shop, which is now under investigation. Officials have been considering two years of sales records to determine whether legal drugs were sold.
On March 4, Muscan and Sakhil stabbed the saurabe, cut the body into pieces and sealed them in a drum filled with cement. After committing the crime, the couple went on a trip to the Himachol -Pradesh, misleading the Saurabh family, sending messages from her phone.
The truth was revealed on March 18, when Muscovite confessed to his mother, which then reported the police. In a posthumous report it turned out that Saurab was a knife in the heart three times with great force. His head was torn, his hands were cut off, and his legs were bent to fit into the drum. Doctors confirmed that he had died of excessive bleeding and shock.
Saurab and Muscovites have been married since 2016 and had a six -year -old daughter. It is reported that the child said to the neighbors: “Dad is in the drum”, causing concern that he may have witnessed the crime.
Meanwhile, Maskin’s family refused to support her in court. She asked for a government lawyer, while Sakhil did not reset. The accused also asked to stay together in prison, but they were denied.