In the last case, Pune In Analytics lost 2,34 Rs Crore to cybercriminals who were caused by the chief executive officer of his Canada (Secretary General). This is the second case of Whale Phishing Attack attack this month.
The deer in the case was registered at the Cyber Crime Police Department Pune By a 45-year-old woman who is a manager with the company. According to the protests, the head of another accounts did not receive from the unexplored number in the third week of February. The caller claimed that the founding president and executive director of the company asked the leader to distribute the details of the deposits in all the accounts of the company.
As the accounts manager was hospitalized in family emergencies when the call was made to him, he asked him to appeal that number. As instructed by an undetected number, the complainant divided the deposit details in many bank accounts of the company, which collectively made Rs 8 crores.
Over the next five days, the company’s accounts were speculated to understand 13 transfer, a total of 2.34 Crores to the accounts of fraudulent mixture. The caller gave various business transactions because the reasons for these transfers.
Used Mule accounts were from the bank and small financial entities registered by Maui, such as Mau, in Bihar, Sonitpur, Asami, in the Bazumus CollocantaErnakulam in Kerala and Darjeling in West Bengal.
After the transfers took place, another senior director of the company was interrogated and found out that the General Director did not give such instruction to make these transfers. The applicant later approached the Cyber Crime Police Department and fired on Saturday.
The Case, which is a multi-mentioned multi-city groups, lost to Crore Cyale Frech Manage, when the company’s director promised to receive false accounts.
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Whale Phishing Attacks, which is also known as “Spear Phishing Attacks” or “Home Declarations”, is very focused on special individuals of companies. In particular, these deceptions are targeted by high-ranking officials of finance companies. The term “whale phishing” emphasizes the targeting of basic figures in companies.
Since 2,202, Pune City and Pimpri Chinchwad police have been registered together at the Tens of Cases of Whaly Phishing Attacks. From such a case, the Institute of Global Serum of India, in 2022, was committed by Rs Crore in 2022.
The woman who was recognized as Saniya Mustakim Siddique, identified as a key suspect based on the technical analysis of phone numbers used in Wlyy Phishing Attack. When he was punched as Punnons Sakper, he fled from the train to Kota in Kota, February 18 last year. After a long-term search for a month, he was finally arrested in December last year.