On Tuesday, Chief Minister Rej Gupta stated that it plans to move the outskirts of the city to the city of Turn (2025-26) by connecting the 10th cavity in the budget of the surveys and the advice.
It was founded in 1958, Tree Prison is one of the largest prison complexes in India, which consists of nine prisons, which have spread more than 400 acres.
“In order to demolish the new prison complex for the development of the new prison complex, it was formed to demolish the existing Tiavar Prison complex to another to demolish the well-being of the prisoners.” Deli said the chief minister to present budget In the Assembly.
It is located in West Delhi, Tshar near the city of Tilaki Tilaki and Harry Nagar districts. Originally designed for about 10,025 prisoners, it currently accommodates more than 19,000, which leads to overcrowding and security challenges. Delhi government has initiated the development of new prison complexes in Narela to mitigate congestion.
At the same time, the source of Mr. Prison said: The source notes that 1 to 9 prisoners are designed for about 5,000 prisoners, but they currently fits more than 12,000 prisoners.
“The imprisonment of 10 to 16 is scheduled for approximately 3,700 prisoners, but currently fits more than 3,900 prisoners.
The source also said that a short-term proposal was made to transform the prison and to expand it up to two floors, making the capacity three times. “This will make the space enough to fit for up to five or ten years,” said the source.
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In his budget, the Chief Minister also announced the formation of the society under the auspices of Delhi Prison.
The society will focus on the transformation and recovery of prisoners. This will reach it, developing their overall skills through various skills. In addition, the public specialize in other factories and production units in prisons.
Delhi government offices, ministries and departments will give preference to products produced in Tirar, Rohin and Mandol prison complexes.
An anonymity official said that the products made by prisoners are usually consumed in Tsar prison, as they are sold through some shops, known as “Thai Haat.” The earnings from these stores are much less, but the prisoners will earn more.