MS University Law Student Raksit Chaurasia, accused of killing a woman and leaving seven others Car accident in Vadodara Earlier this month, it is going to pass orthogenic surgery to break the jaw at the CSG hospital on Wednesday.
Chourasia, who slammed on the night of March 13, at three wheels of three wheels in the stone area of the careliba area Indian ExpressA number
A unit of plastic surgery will be held in a day to rebuild its broken right jaw, which he received from injuries when localized police officers were caught in Vada.
He said a medical officer in the SSG Hospital, “Chourasia” expressed an opinion that for doctors it is necessary to understand that his jaw was not accepted. He brings the police or not. “
China said that because the procedure is “small”, then Chourasia will probably be released within a few hours of surgery.
The senior doctor said that orthonsatic surgery is carried out by plastic and rehabilitation surgeons and assumes that he transforms damaged jaws with the help of screws, plates and even vaccinated bones.
The doctor said that in the case of Chourasia, however, the damage was “minor”, and the procedure would be “internal booking” that includes bones and screws. The procedure is performed under anesthesia. “He will be free in one day and will be presented with postoperative management drugs, along with soft food for a few days … treatment will be considered further visits,” the doctor added.
Vadodara Central Prison officials say that the prison authorities have issued a city police that Chourasia can “leave 9” and the police officers from the Police Chief of Police must be deployed.
The doctor said. “We have already cleaned his visit to the hospital and informed the city police officers the escort police …
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“There is still no visitor in prison”
The official says that Chourasia has shown “normal behavior” and did not have visitors to Vadodara Central Prison a week ago.
The official said. “It simply came to our notice then. Covers, but no one approached the prison authorities, looking for a meeting with him to hand over him. “
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