While the official did not disclose when Kunal Camera, accused of receiving defamatory remarks against Shinda, was summoned, sources said the comic book was looking for one week to appear in front of the police.
Mumbai police have published a notice of the Kunn Camar booth in connection with the case initiated with the Deputy Deputy Chief Minister Maharashstra Eknata Shinda, officials said on Tuesday. The camera asked to appear before the Hara police in connection with the case registered against him, the official said.
“We made the initial message of the camera because the probe began in the case against him,” the official said, not giving more details.
While the official did not reveal when the camera, the accused of receiving defamatory remarks against Shinda, was summoned, sources said the comic book was looking for a week to appear in front of the police.
The 36-year-old boom comedian started a large political storm in Maharashtra for taking Jib in a political career of leader Shiva Sena Shinda in his show.
The camera performed a parody of Hindi’s popular song from the 1997 movie “Dil Toh Pagal Hai”, apparently referring to Shinda as “Caddar” (traitor). He also hacked jokes about recent political events in Maharashtra, including a split in Shiv Sena (2022) and NCP (2023).
On Sunday night, Shiv Sena members damaged the Habitat Comedy Club in the Hara Mumbai area where the camel shows, as well as the hotel in which the venue is located.
Based on the complaint, Shiva hay -mlawi Patel, Hara police registered FIR against the camera for allegedly defamatory remark against Shinda.
Police also registered the case against 40 Shiva Shiva workers for punching a comedian show. On Monday, police arrested the Functional Shiva Seno Canal and 11 more per section of the show. On the same day, a local court gave them a recognizance.
(Except for headlines, this story did not edit DNA employees and published with PTI)