The camera shared a screenshot from YouTube into X, which showed that his new video “Bharat” was blocked by copyright restrictions.
Comedy Cunnia Camra Camera criticized the T-Series Bollywood Studio T, claiming that his special “Bharat”, which launched a great dispute over jokes aimed at the deputy Maharashtra of Eknata Shinda, was indicated for copyright infringement on YouTube. The camera abandoned a new video from a comedy special one, in which he conducted a parody of “Hawaii Hawaii” from Mr. India to criticize the Minister of Finance of the Union Nirma Syntarman and its politics. Mr. India’s songs, which involved Anil Kapoor and Star Cinema Sridevi, belong to the T-Series labels.
The camera shared a screenshot from YouTube on X, which showed that his new video “Bharat” was blocked from the copyright restrictions and therefore not visible to the audience. Due to copyright requirements, the video will also not be able to profit. “Hi @tseries, cease to be strict. Parody and satire are subjected to fair use legally. I did not use the lyrics and the original song tool. If you shoot this video down with each cover-up video video. “Having said that every monopoly in India is not only a mafia, so please see/download this special before it is lifted. FYI – T- series I remain in Tamil Nada (SIC),” he added.
Salute @TseriesStop being a knot.
Parody & Satrire falls under fair use legally.
I did not use the lyrics and the original song instrument.
If you shoot this video down from each cover -feat/dance video you can shoot.
Creators please note this.Having said …
– Kunno -Taku (@kunalkamarama88) March 26, 2025
That said the series t
In a statement, the T-series spokesman said: “Mr. Kunn Chan did not take any permission and permission to use the basic music work in the song, so the content was blocked for violating the rights to the warehouse.” “Naya Bharat”, which also joked about recent political events in Maharashtra, including Shiv Sena and NCP Splits, has gained more than 6.7 million views on YouTube.
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Since the download of the video on Sunday, the camera also received a cash contribution from its fans through the Super YouTube feature, which allows the creators to profit and interact with the audience. On Sunday night, Shiv Sena members damaged the Habitat comedy club in Hari, where the camera show, as well as the hotel in which the club is located. The camera stated that she would not apologize for her comments made in the video.
(Except for headlines, this story did not edit DNA employees and published with PTI)