On Thursday, Nepal’s ruling government stated that they would strengthen protests to restore the monarchy if the government would not reach an agreement during a week. The newly formed joint People’s Movement Commission stated that a rally will hold a rally on FriBhuvan International Airport on Friday.
In a conversation with the media, a supporter of the former Gennendra 87-year-old Stual, a supporter of 87-year-old Staenda, “We give all the authorities and the government to think about the government.”
The subject called the Government to adopt the 1991 Constitution, which had a multi-party system of parliamentary democracy, as well as united Hindu Nepal as its fundamental properties.
The assumphant asked the government to make changes to the current constitution to accommodate these features.
On Friday, the Socialist Forum, four party blocs, also organizes the Republican system in favor of the Republican system, opposed to the ruling monarchs in Katmandu’s Bharik.
The Communist Party of the Iprebal-Maoist Center, a united Marxist Leninist of the ANC, among others, joins the strengthening of the republic.
The Socialist Forum said that the people of Nepal struggled and sacrificed for the republic and would not allow the monarchy to restore.
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The government has decided to deploy more than five thousand security guards due to the tense situation that can lead to violent confrontation.
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