NCRTC has accepted the provision on the requirement of five trips. These trips will be valid for seven days.
NCRTC has introduced a loyalty score for passengers using the Namo Bharat or NCMC app to buy tickets. Each Rupee spent on a journey using NCMC or Namo Bharat app, earns one loyalty point, and each item is estimated at 10 PAise, the National Capital Corporation (NCTC) said. Once the passenger accumulates at least 300 loyalty points, they can buy those who for free trip. Loyalty points will be credited to NCMC users’ accounts at the end of each day. Glasses will reflect on their accounts the next day.
5 trips for 7 days
To remove the worries repeatedly buying points, NCTC has accepted the provision on the requirement of five trips at a time. These trips will be valid for seven days. Passengers can check their points on vending machines, ticket readers or counters. Any NCMC issued by a subway, a transport body or a financial institution in India can be used in Namo Bharat trains, NCTC reports.
Those who use the Namo Bharat app can check and get their loyalty points from the “account” section. Users can book tickets using fare points. The app also has a FAQ section for requests. To encourage its use, new users receive 500 loyalty points (Rs 50) when downloading the Namo Bharat application and an additional 500 points for successful referrals acting for a year.
(Except for headlines, this story did not edit DNA employees and published with PTI)