Madhya Pradesh’s government approach has now spread outside the roads and in unemployment. The state has decided that unemployed young people will now be called “Aspirated Youth”.
However, this renaming of this renaming has caused discussions, criticizing that it calls on the current job.
Bhopal’s Prokashen Sen has completed his BSC in computer science with dreams of working in a technical giant like Google or Facebook. Instead, he appeared that he was running tea.
“I was learning computer science hoping to get a good job. But there is a tough competition in the field, and after the valve, many people lost their jobs, “he said.
Similarly, Arjyan Srivastavava, who has a BSC agriculture hoped to have been introduced to India’s agricultural sector. However, he appeared in the job seeking cycle.
“There were no places in my college. I thought that my background would allow me to have opportunities in agriculture, but there are fewer government vacancies.
Many students and job seekers have been disappointed due to lack of opportunities due to frequent delays in recruitment. When preparing for the government’s exams, Shilendra Mishra has already spent 30,000 rubles on applications, books and other expenses. Sonali Patel has been waiting for the results of the police since 2019, but the result remains uncertain.
The state government claims that the work situation is not so terrible as it seems.
According to official posts, in July 2023, Madha Pradesh had 25.82 lakh unemployed people. In December, the number increased to 26.17 lakhs.
Instead, instead, the government transformed those individuals as “Aspirated Youth”, the number of which applies to 29.36 lakhs.
From 2020 to 2024, 2709 job fair was organized, as a result of which 3.22 lakhs were offered letters. The government, however, did not reveal how many candidates actually joined the work.
Madhya Pradesh Skills Minister Gautam Tetwal defended a new term.
“The number of unemployed in employment offices differs from the actual calculation. If the son works in his Father’s store and is registered at the employment office, he is unemployed.
Congress MLA PRATAP GREWAL has criticized the government’s approach, claiming that the renaming is an attempt to manipulate statistics.
“In July, the government previously reported 33 lakhs of unemployed people. Now it avoids exchanging real figures, fearing the pedestrian.