Speaking to the clashes of the Galvan Valley, Em -Seshankar said that what happened in 2020 was “actually very traumatic for relationships.” In October, India and China launched a break for Depan and Demchok, the last two friction points in the east.
India and China are trying to restore the connections damaged by the 2020 Galvan Valley, as none of the parties will serve as a tense relationship, the Minister of Foreign Affairs said S Jaishankar on Wednesday. In the interactive session conducted by the leading analytical goods of Asia, Yashankar said that in the foreseeable future there may be differences between India and China, but they should not become disputes.
Speaking to the clashes of the Galvan Valley, the Minister of Foreign Affairs said he had happened in 2020, “in fact a very traumatic for relationships.”
“It was not only a bloodshed, it was ignoring written agreements … The retreat from the terms of what was agreed on was very sharp and very significant,” he said at a session, which is modeled by Kuen Sa, the President and the CEO of Asia and the former South Korean security minister.
Yashankar also added: “We are still dealing with some parts of this, it is not that the question is completely gone.” He said that there has been a certain improvement in India and China since October last year. “We are working on different aspects. I met my (Chinese) colleagues several times and therefore my elderly colleagues.”
“And what we are trying, step by step is to find out if we can restore, cancel some of the damage that has occurred as a result of these actions in 2020, and we can restore this relationship. We sincerely think it is in our mutual interest,” he added.
In October, India and China launched a break for Depan and Demchok, the last two friction points in the east.
A few days after the agreement, Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Chinese President Xi Jinping held talks in Kazan and made several decisions to improve communication. Yashankar said the differences between India and China should not become disputes.
India and China may have differences in the foreseeable future, but they should not become disputes, he said. “We compete on many issues. But since we compete, it does not mean that there must be a conflict between us. We are very realistic about it,” the Minister of Foreign Affairs said.
He said there were ways to solve problems. Yashankar said the intense connection between the two countries does not serve the interests of both parties.
“As we can benefit, having a very intense relationship with this large number of troops there, in the very hostile conditions and all the side injuries he caused the relationship,” he said. “Because, obviously, if peace and tranquility in the border areas are violated, then the rest of the relationship also cannot continue,” he added.
(Except for headlines, this story did not edit DNA employees and published with PTI)