If you are prone to diarrhea, stomach shock, blowing and lack of appetite, with intestinal inflammation, which is called inflammatory intestine (IBD) – try the bottle and carrots. In other words, move to a plant-based diet or even Khichdi, they are softly mild.
A study published in the regional health of Lanka, Europe, which eats a healthy plant-based dieter can reduce the risk of ID development and the need for surgery by lot. It analyzed the data of more than half a million people involved in the UK Biobank (UKB, 2009-2022) and European perspective investigation Cancer and nutrition (epic, 1991-2010).
According to Drud Sudeep Khanna, Casior Consproenterology, InDraprastha Apollo, the study causes another case to rely on a balanced, healthy, plant-based diet and return to traditional food.
What does IBD patients mean?
Foods with all the porridge and unprocessed plants can help lower inflammation, minimize outbreaks, even reduce the need for surgery in the case of abscess, extended intestine, fist and bleeding. Traditional dishes when are made with fresh ingredients and gentle spices, they equate well with this approach. Shatches like turkey, cumin and dill have digestive and anti-inflammatory properties that can help manage symptoms. Avoiding delicate flour, deep fried snacks and sugar sweets can improve intestinal health. However, since the IBD symptoms are different from a person, it is necessary to control food tolerance.
What should people eat IBD?
IBD patients must focus on easy-digestive, nutrients. Eggs, dairy products, lentils such as Moong Dal and Masoor DAL and Light Khichdi are implementing basic nutrition without digestive strain. Vegetables should be cooked well as like a bottle, a mountain range, pumpkin and carrots, pumpkin, pumpkin and grant. Fermented food such as home cottage cheese and tanner can support the health of the intestine. Mild spices such as scratch, ginger and asafoetida help digestion and reduce inflammation. The soaked almonds, walnuts and flaxts give significant fatty acids to the management of inflammation.
Moisturization is very important, like coconut water, Kumin water and herbal teas that help maintain vague health.
What about those who need a surgical procedure?
Before surgery, it consumes light and easily digested meals such as Dal-rice, cottage cheese with rice, soft rotary vegetables. It may be required to be a low fiber diet, avoiding all the lentils, raw vegetables and excess spices. After the operation, the initial recovery must focus on the blister, soft food such as UPMA, idli, boiled potatoes, and mashed mashed soups. Moisturizing fluids such as lemon water, barley water and coconut water can rush to recovery. Can porridge, Sabuana Khichd and boiled vegetables like boiled vegetables. As a healing development, nutritional dense, a high protein-based protein diet, artistic cottage cheese, with soft bread and soft vegetable curries can support long-term removal.
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Some patients may experience nutritious malabsorption postoperative surgery and may require iron as iron, vitamin B12 and folic acid.
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