The government in 2023-24 was aimed at making the train left and running until December 2024.
The first launch of hydrogen fuel cell trains in India will probably be postponed until June from the technical problems found during the test of the car, several officials who know about development, MoneyControl reported. The purpose of the government for 2023-2024 was to make the train operating until December 2024.
“During the train testing, it was found that its capacity of hydrogen fuel elements should be increased to work at maximum load capacity,” said the senior official of the Indian MoneyControl Railway.
The hydrogen train, which is supposed to be operating on the historic route of Kalko-Shkhala, will pass and modification for two to three months before being put into operation for commercial use, he continued.
Initially, in December 2024, the train will start operating on a 96-kilometer line of Shimla Kolkki, but even in difficult weather conditions, it can overcome the distance on one cell with less than 80%.
With incredible 1200 horse forces (HP), more than double the strength of comparable hydrogen trains in other countries, this train is particularly characteristic of its unsurpassed power
Most of the trains operating on hydrogen worldwide, there are engines with the capabilities of 500-600 horsepower, but in the domestic construction hydrogen train in India will exceed them all.
Fuel elements that produce energy, mixing hydrogen and oxygen and only emit the water vapor as a side product, make the train, giving it a variant of zero emission.