Elon Musk is the first generation founder. So i’mEquality ends there. I have probably made 2,000 times less personal money than that. Is it entitled to me to claim that I am as intelligent as 0.0005 times? Since this is not a way to find out, I will accept this humble portion in my life.
Oh, there is another similarity. We are both in America today. Except, again, we have separated; He is on the eastern coast, and I am on the west coast. I think we are lucky just in addition to one world.
Oh Hek, today is my day of my day, because I have discovered another equality. Both of us have fired dozens of employees – but to be fair, it is not just a matter between us. Instead, this is a fortune that we share with every first generation entrepreneur. If you are going to make a business, then you will work in a cow-go time, but equally, you will set people on fire in so long. This is just your destiny, so don’t go all Maudulin on it.