In 2015, between a rapid shifting media and political scenario, Quint was born.
New slogans, new statements, new ways to see history, and a new way to tell stories. Some created a big image from life, while others questioned it.
For ten years, we have been on the ground, reporting through election, protests, court fights and cultural changes. We have seen how the media has changed, how the conversation has been shaped, and how the stories have been spread. Through all this, we have captured one thing: we believe that journalism is about questioning power, not serving it.
From fact-checking viral claims to highlighting publicity, from giving a platform to unheard voices, our job has never been easy but always necessary.
After a decade, the stories have not stopped, the stories have not been slowed, nor do we have it. If anything, we have only intensified our questions. Because in such times, asking the right people matters more than ever.
It is just 10 years to do this, and for the next 10, boulder, sharper, and still questions.