Answering BJP MLA KALUBHAI RATHOD about the new agricultural problems of the planned Casta (SC), at the legislative meeting, Minister of Energy, said that on December 31, 2012, for a total of 225,60 farmers over the past two years.
The Minister of Energy noted that in the “Great Soyed district”, as on December 31, 2024, a total of 8,79 lakhs of Rs was 127 SC farmers in two years. Similarly, in Kutch District, a total of 25.94 lakhs has been given freedom of agricultural electricity ties between two years, he added.
Speaking about the Yotu Jojana, the Energy Minister, the average value of the new energy communication of energy is 1.73 lakhs, but the government is born with electricos and transformers. SC farmers do not have to pay fixed fees, but only registration fee, charges, test report and deposit, according to the load.
According to him, according to the scheme, 5,855 rubles must be paid in connection with the scheme, but SC farmers must pay only 1,355 Rs. Similarly, according to the scheme, 10-horsepower for electricity communication is required to pay only 2,190 rubles, the minister said.
Moreover, according to the scheme, more than five rounds of Rs 48.93 have been spent in five regions in the past two years, the minister said, answering the sacred sacred issues.
Desan said that 9.18 Rs has been spent in the Valsad district over the past two years. Rs 8.92 at Rs Bhavnagar in 934 Rs 934 Crore In Morbi and In Gandinagand in 12.19 Crore Kutch Distring generally more than 48.93 Rs.
The Minister said that the supply of electricity to the farmers of the state is provided with agricultural feeders. These nutrients mainly undergo areas covered with trees such as fields, shrubs and forests, due to which errors in agricultural nutrients are more. Often due to the decline in tree branches and breaking the electricity wires is also caused by auxiliary products. Farmers cannot receive consistent and quality electricity due to electricity flow and error growth. To solve this problem, the state government has launched a planning scheme of farmers in 2017-18.
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The Minister said that according to the scheme, the quality of electricity supplies to consumers is provided by replacing the old erasive electricity services, conductors and agricultural machinery. In addition, the government’s government is born to 80 percent of the expenses, and the rest is affiliated with electricity distribution companies, the minister added.
In addition, the details of the expenses in Jun ounces, Bhaman, Strong, Wray, Sustica, Chohhota Udepuri and Mehsani district.
The Minister added that the country’s farmers need to be distributed to existing feeders to provide quality and continuous electricity. “In the interests of the villagers, these existing birers are divided, and new feeders are put in accordance with the state demand. A legislative meeting on Tuesday.
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