The Yeghu against the Tibetan National of the Daramhala Women’s Tibetan, on charges of criminal intimidation and rape, was presented.
The victim, NRI, currently undergo medical tests and will provide a court statement.
Speaking with Ani, Kangra Taghnihotri said:
He added. “We have begun interrogating the defendants. We study all corners … The accused is the Tibetan national.
We are in touch with the Tibetan office. “
The accused who is a Tibetan national citizen has been interrogated, and the police look at all possible corners of the case. Mrs. Anagotri also mentioned that the inspection of both the victim and the accused documents is being implemented.
Police are regularly in touch with the Tibetan office to support the investigation.
Further information is still expected.
One person was recently arrested at a hotel in Delhi Mahipalpalpur, while his accomplice was arrested on charges of criminals, Delhi police reported.
According to Delhi Police, the woman traveled from Great Britain to meet the defendants she was friends with social media.
The incident was born after the victim approached the police, which had made a case and arrested the two suspects. Police say the woman arrived in Delhi and order a hotel room where she met a man. However, he soon felt trying to attack him, leading to argues between them.
At that time, the accused allegedly raped him. The woman was able to escape and reached the hotel’s reception, but when she tried to leave, another man allegedly misled himself in the elevator.
Delhi police have arrested both suspects and have taken place on what happened by the British Prosecutor Committee.
(Except for the title, this story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is published in syndicated feed).