The National People’s Theater Festival kicked off on Friday with a large inauguration at Savitribai Phule Pune (SPPU). Sppu’s Lalit Kala Kendra Gurukul organized a three-day festival in cooperation with West Zone Cultural Center (WZCC).
The varying ceremony was awarded by famous actress Jammala Inambadar and Veteran comedo Avasaric, which together the ceremonial lamp. The event infected Dr. Suresh Gosavi, who expelled Dr. Suresh Gosav, during which Pro-Doctor of Khalar and the vector of the current guest guest guest. WZCC Director Furka Khan and Lalite Kala Kidra Gurukul Chapter Professor Dr. Pravi Bun has a basic idea of the importance of maintaining traditional folk art.
Speaking in the inauguration, Dr. Gosavi stressed the importance of the People’s Theater in the Cultural Landscape of India. He said that the People’s Theater is a reflection of society and heritage, and through this festival, the university aims to bring these bright art forms to the younger and involving young artists. Actress Aymala Inambendi highlighted the role of popular performances in keeping the oral traditions alive, and Vantoo Avasas reminded the “golden age” of the people’s theater.
The opening performances set tone for the festival, which Balkenjar Gor, Diaspervat Mandal and IP Ipur Khayal, occupying the audience. The hall was equipped with enthusiasm, students and cultural scientists, everyone wants to witness the rich stories and musical elements of these traditional art.
The executive director of the WZCC spoke about the importance of popular traditions about the importance of such festivals. “People’s theater is not just fun. This is an important part of our cultural history, which carries out deep social messages.
In the next two days, the festival will present performances, such as Lalit, Turan Kalang, Khachum Khayal and Dholki Fad Tamashan. In addition to stage performances, religious and dedicated folk theater and entertainment central folk theater will see prominent scientists, sharing their ideas about the evolution and modernity of these art forms.
The festival, which is open to everyone, has already given a positive response from students and art lovers. Professor Dr. Pravin BHOL urged the public to participate and felt the depth and viability of the traditions of People’s Theater of India. The event will continue until March 23.