Defending that difficult decision, one of the judges said, “The hard fact is that sometimes we have to take decisions we don’t like. We make them because they are right, right in the sense that the law and the Constitution, as we see them, compel the outcome.
The obligation to maintain freedom of expression is tested daily because of the simultaneous presence of both pro-government and anti-government voices in the American media. for everyone Fox News Or Rupert Murdoch, there is a counterbalance cnn Or msnbc Allowing the divergence of ideological views, without the fear or favoritism that exists in some other countries.
The daily reports and use of memes, accusations, insinuations and ridicule towards both presidential candidates in the American election arena is still commendable for the complete freedom it allows both sides. Fictional crime, ideology, or nationalism as well as any dramatization of ‘manufactured outrage’ cannot be used to suppress or deny any contradictory opinion in America.