Author: curagator

rewrite this content and keep HTML tags Social media users are sharing posts to claim that Jammu and Kashmir (J&K) Parliament member, Sheikh Abdul Rashid, is known as better. Engineer rashidA award was recently awarded at the AT AT event Tata trust,Claim: Those sharing these posts have claimed that Rashid, who is in jail on the charges of terrorist funding under the illegal activities (prevention) Act (UAPA), in a program sponsored by Tata Trusts and Delhi Today Group The award was awarded from 2025. ,(Stored versions of more claims can be seen Here, HereAnd Here,Is it true?: No, the program…

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rewrite this content and keep HTML tags In addition to large-scale under-demonstrations in Capex 2024-25, very low increase in Capex 2025-26, and complete absence of any new idea about Capex, in addition to the total absence of its mention in the budget speech of the Finance Minister, explains. That Capex-based development story has gone out of steam.(Subhash Chandra Garg is the Chief Policy Advisor, Subhanjali, and the Secretary of East Finance and Economic Affairs, Government of India. He is the author of several books, including $ 10 trillion Dream Dent, we make a policy, and the clarification on budget 2024…

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rewrite this content and keep HTML tags In its piece for The Indian ExpressBudget, Chakraborty argues, by 1991 there has been a decline in the onset of transformational reforms, including important challenges-but GDP growth, not translating in employment opportunities, and sometimes wide regional economic inequalities- Are going unknowingly.Whenever the increase in income tax exemption up to Rs 12 lakh has been widely celebrated by the supporters of the ruling party, Chakraborty claims that this remedy will be beneficial for only 1.5 million Indians – a yardstick also to assess the success of the budget. For, and a sample size, and…

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